if you think how much material and weight goes in a battery, just to store a few electrons … and you always have some chemical reaction with some degradation of the materials used … somehow crazy.
how about storing ions, eg nitrogen ions, in liquid form in a cryotank? you gotta deal with the temperatures and the pressures, but since the tank would contain only ONE inert chemical there’s no degradation, and you can just liquify air (and filter thru boiling point) to get more nitrogen. the supply is almost unlimited! besides liquifying can be done thru a mechanical process only – compression – which could be powered thru wind, without going thru conversions etc, just a plain simple mechanical link from the turbine blades to the compressor
even if you don’t use the ion effect, you can still use the liquid N2 to improve efficiencies of existing processes (by creating a larger delta t while burning conventional fuels) or you use it straight for airconditioning etc and then drive another turbine with the exhaust to recover even more energy
August 21st, 2011 in
solar, cng and electrons |
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DDoS = Distributed Denial of Service – if you didn’t know this article is probably NOT for you!
anyways usually what happens is that the attacker sends millions of requests to a server (http,dns,sql etc) and overwhelms the servers to a point that noone gets a response in time, or the server stalls or crashes.
to defend we need to measure the timing: drones send requests from a single IP usually as fast as they can, or in regular intervals. statistics can show which requests are legit. a normal user will send 1,2 or 3 requests to the same URL, and then give up in vain and move on to another site to visit. the first request will have the longest wait time since you expect load times, then the user gets impatient, angrily hits reload a few times before trying other sites. also unlikely the user will try other GET requests within milliseconds from the same IP but with different browser. ALL this data AND its timing need to be recorded and then, if found to be legit, the second and third requests answered. statistics can help determine if the attacker systems use the same software – eg manipulating a few header bits on the server side to determine user system behavior. a power-user might try two or three different browser to get a site to work, but even that takes time IF done manually.
of course a smart attacker knows these tricks, but he can’t go thru a block protecting the servers! filtering uses a lot less system resources than serving a single request. there is a risk of denying a legit and confused user access that hits refresh 10 times, but the benefit for the many outdo the benefit for the few! you could always remember the unfortunate IP later and when the server is idle again get back to it
April 5th, 2011 in
Uncategorized |
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as said before, i want some SRAM module for my PC. nice that you can get some triple channel DDR3 that gives you a max bandwidth of more than 25 Gigabyte per sec, but what if you need a few bytes here and there? LATENCY is the killer. or let’s say you run some virtualization software – with hundreds or thousands of context switches per sec. everytime your cache content becomes kind’a obsolete!
i don’t know the actual numbers of how much time gets lost – some cores can work on some other tasks while waiting for data, but it ain’t good. we see more SSDs, more RAM, more cores but what feeds a truly random access best? SRAM!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE – just a gig or two
of course some new software developments like randomization to prevent hacker attacks (eg spraying) make this approach only limited as for the speedup, but we need to differentiate between RAM data: you buy a speedy SSD or 15k disk if you expect lots of random access, and a few TB with 5-7k if you need space. so why not do the same with RAM?
virtualization is another beast – frequent context changes NEED fast RAM for the heaps, registers etc but may not move much data …
March 10th, 2011 in
hardware stuff |
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i love linux. i hate linux.
around me there are several laptop and desktop PCs with linux, tried about 8 different distros so far, and they all had some trouble with something. all needed some command line editing, mostly conf files, and checking or correcting starting services, blacklisting drivers and modules, getting my X11 to work, changing grub etc etc etc
if you didn’t understand the last sentence, don’t worry. just means you’re in company with 90% of all users, and you’re not ready to install or use it. stay away!
hurts me to say this, but from a support perspective it’s a nightmare. sooooooo many distros, different packages, update mechanisms, and mostly dependency problems. nothing a ‘noob’ (aka beginner) can do. not on his own, not in a few days or weeks.
problems seems to be: there are too many distros out there. distrowatch-dot-com tracks over a hundred different ones. i understand the need for clusters, large memory systems, routers, voip and system admins for troubleshooting to have their own distro, but for the normal user that’s just too complicated. look at windows. very likely that if you download 32 bit code yo can run it on w2k, xp, vista and w7. all came that out in the last 12 years . you click on install, and after a while it should work, even do some updating automatically.
no distro i’ve seen runs smooth and easy, and i’m tired of trying! and don’t say i should compile something. i don’t have the time for it. period.
January 8th, 2011 in
software stuff |
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one could think of many reasons:
– the next galaxies / planets / stars are quite far away, a few lightyears, so that alone limits travel opportunities. aliens have lives, families, jobs, maybe limited lifespans, moneyproblems, ballgames they want to see etc, so why would they travel many years just to see us? who wants to spend money on such a lenghty trip?
– they send robots first. once they see our limited technology, our wars, our bacteria and viruses and other stupidity they just laugh and check back a th0usand years later, via robot. good luck humans solving your problems till then
– what can they learn? they are so much more advanced than we are, so maybe it’s just entertaining but that’ll last only so long
– there’s gotta be more exciting and picturesque places than earth. think dual / triple sunsets! 20 moons! supernovas!
– if you already got lightspeed and all the nice tech you need for such a trip, do you really need anything from here like raw materials (metals, cells, DNA etc) – why not just cook it up in your own fusion reactor?
– maybe they came from here, so it’s just educational for their archeologists to come back here, but why spend more time than necessary and contact us undeveloped humans?
– their planet is dying, their water is gone etc – wouldn’t they built something to fix that instead of spending their resources on travel? besides our planet is not so pretty clean anymore either
December 24th, 2010 in
deep thoughts |
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IBM (C)(R)(TM)(etc) has a new 17 core chip, 16 to do the work and 1 to ‘rule them all’ – problem is though that the memory interface has ‘only’ a few channels
do the math: 16 cores on a eg 4 channel bus makes 4 cores compete for one channel, right? a supersize, multilevel, multi-associative caches help, but with multi-gigabyte datasets that goes only so far, and there are lots of problems where CUDA etc doesn’t do so well
better solution would be to have small cores but with built-in RAM, and lots of them, and even if some spend half their life shuffling data (usually considered bad karma) you should still end up with an amazing overall bandwidth and latency (within the chip). across several cores you need a fast multipath router, and you may loose one or two cores at a time due to transfers. if you got lets say 64 cores that doesn’t really matter. also may make memory use more efficient. think 64 bit: there are so far only a few apps that need more memory than 4 GB. give a gig to every core, and you have to use only 32 bit pointers locally. across the dataset of course you need more.
many problems can be split up into many smaller ones: video/picture compression and analysis – it’s all tiles, blocks, frames anyway, so each core can handle it’s own data and then transfer the result to the ‘mastermind’. games and simulations would benefit as well – it’s frames and particles. render a few speculative frames ahead based on the probability of a player moving eg forward towards an object (door, enemy, food etc) and discard those if not needed.
December 3rd, 2010 in
hardware stuff |
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… i want you back. really. i’ve lived too long with my DRAM, though very fast too, but it’s the latency that makes me wait a lot longer than necessary. even if you want to minimize the tracelines on the PCB and still use standard chipset timings/layouts – fine – use the CAS / RAS access schemes, but get rid of the latency and precharges and all that!
with structures of .25 microns now you can fit a lot of sram cells on a die and still have a decent pricepoint. think of flash – you’ll get 8GB for $30 on sale, that needs about 6 times the area, and even more if it’s multilevel, but still, you could get a GB of SRAM for the same price. and that’ll fit all the programs you usually need (kernels, drivers) and some of the userdata as well
i’d rather have some SRAM in my system than SSD – the loading times don’t bug me as much as wasted performance while i’m running an app! and even 12MB cache in the latest CPU isn’t doing it for me. i want my SRAM back!!!
March 28th, 2010 in
hardware stuff |
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you do this every day many times over: type a username, then a password
but why? it’s all just letters and numbers, right?
it is known that most smart attacks involve some kind of social engineering e.g. the attacker knows the victims name, and tries a list of well known passwords (like 1234, admin, test etc) from a list – sometimes a dictionary helps, too, with the most common names, or combinations of username with birthyear etc (like john1975)
and then it’s up to the password to keep you safe – so you ought to choose one that’s long and has special characters in it (like #<*). if that doesn’t work the attacker digs deeper and calls coworkers, pretending to be a friend, super, lawenforcer or other coworker to obtain more infos.
BUT the name is still fairly simple to guess. so WHY NOT get rid of it?
let’s say your username has 10 letters, and the password is another 10 – that’s 20 letters to type, and in between you gotta use the mouse to move from field to field (or the cursor or tab)
the first 10 though are almost a waste of time, and the next 10 are supposed to be very difficult to guess (if you can’t find the post-it-note next to the screen!) – so sometimes people put a post-it up on their monitor with that info …
what about if you just enter a (complicated) 15 letter ‘access code’ that might have some personal meaning to the user? eg FOOL1975=>JOHN!
hard to guess, in NO dictionary, personalized, shorter than 20, and safer!
almost as safe as certificates – but who remembers a sha1 hash with 40 characters? besides, the # of wrong logins and attempts per timeunit has to be limited anyways
you’ve seen this a million times: start an installer, click through the fine print, the ‘agree’ buttons, the choosing of the options, install directory etc etc – what is the CPU doing during all this time? nothing!!!
THEN after all this we gotta wait to uncompress the CAB files etc, copy data to the disk, check for updates etc … what a waste of time!
why not have the CPU do all this WHILE we (maybe) read through the legalese etc – once you hit ‘agree’ the already waiting files get linked into the filesystem, and that’s it! would save countless hours of waiting for us and the CPU, besides doing an install faster is MORE productive, and SAVES electricity – you’re able to switch off the machine right away!
modern multi-cores should be even fast enough to uncompress ‘on the fly’ while the data/updates are read off the CD/DVD or downloaded
… takes time, some paper i read mentioned between 3 and 5 percent overhead for a 1000Hz tick on a new chip –
why not run the whole scheduler in L2 or L3 cache, in a protected area – 1 or 2 MB would do the trick?
switching tasks could be done in a few cycles, and even within the time it takes to get a byte from the disk – or even a page from RAM (filling a cache line)
i always feel like my CPU is bored and useless whenever i hear the disks rattle!
PS i know there are microkernels, but AFAIK they are ‘normal’ pieces of code, very compact, but they can be thrown out of the L1/L2 cache when needed. my thinking is there;s gotta be a protected area inside where 1-2 MB reside and run the task scheduling with almost no swapping or overhead
the catch with virtual machines is that (at least) a hundred times a second everything gets thrown out and a new task ‘moves in’ … ok that’ll be only a few percent of the whole CPU time, but what if you could switch seamless whenever one CPU is waiting e.g. for memory swapping (a whole 4k page!) or even worse, disk I/O
Intels approach now is that they started integration mem controllers in the CPU (a few years after AMD), but they work in parallel, and the mem is not managed (or has no affinity with a certain task), so everything gets scrambled around anyways!